AfricaCommsWeek 2018: The Abuja Edition


Join Resonae Solutions for a webinar featuring communication thought leaders across the continent. They will offer practical ways and proffer opportunities for communications professionals to play active roles when it comes to economic integration in Africa.

AfricaCommsWeek 2018: The South Africa Edition


The South African edition of Africa Communications Week (ACW) hosted by PR Trends ZA will take place on 22 May and 25 May in Johannesburg and Cape Town respectively under the theme: Telling a balanced South African narrative: Trends and Insights".

AfricaCommsWeek 2018: The Abidjan Edition

Abidjan HÔTEL AZALAÏ ABIDJAN, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

  L'Integration Economique Africaine : Quelle Opportunités pour les Communicants ? SPEAKERS Bienvenue à MZK Group MZK Group, sigle de MARCEL ZADI KESSY GROUPE, résulte de l’initiative de jeunes diplômés ivoiriens animés par la volonté de contribuer au développement de la Côte d’Ivoire, et partant, de l’Afrique.

AfricaCommsWeek 2018: The Brussels Edition

Aloft Hotel, Schuman Brussels, Belgium

Join us for a networking mixer for communication professionals in Brussels working in and around Africa matters!

AfricaCommsWeek 2018: The Freetown Edition

Sierra Lighthouse Hotel , Sierra Leone

Multidimensional communications for a better Sierra Leone! Join Women Mean Business for the Freetown edition of #AfricaCommsWeek.

AfricaCommsWeek 2018: The Lagos Edition

Oriental Hotel Ozumba Mbadiwe, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

Hosted by the BBC Company and IE Business School, this conference will feature seasoned communications professionals sharing insights, learnings and opportunities for communication professionals as Africa becomes increasingly integrated.

AfricaCommsWeek 2018: The Dar Es Salaam Edition

National Assembly Conference Hall Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of

The Tanzania edition of Africa Communications Week hosted by Public Relations Society of Tanzania (PRST) will take place on Friday 25th May, 2018 at the National Assembly Conference Hall, Dar es Salaam.

Catch up with #HerNarrative! A new role for media in women’s empowerment

Tour & Taxis Brussels, Belgium

Communication plays a fundamental role in development and has become a pressing challenge in Africa. It remains however the blind spot of women and girls’ empowerment across the continent. This session will explore the link between gender, media and development in an African context.

Africa Communications Week is a global platform that builds bridges between communications professionals focused on Africa’s transformation.

ACW’s mission is to empower and equip Africa focused communications professionals with the tools and resources to change the current narratives about Africa.


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