L’influence de l’engagement social des organisations sur leur réputation

Les Global Mind Talks sont des évènements organisés par le Cabinet de conseil en communication et relations publiques Global Mind Consulting (GMC). Dans le cadre de l'Africa Communications Week qui se déroulera à travers le continent du 20 au 24 mai 2024, le Global Mind Talks mettra cette année en lumière, l’influence de l'engagement social des entreprises sur leur réputation.

Influence Masterclass

L'objectif de cette MasterClass est de comprendre comment fonctionne l'influence et comment les entreprises et les institutions congolaises et africaines en général peuvent en tirer parti pour améliorer leur performance et leur impact. À travers les présentations et les discussions animées par des panels d'experts, les participants acquerront une vision approfondie de quelques stratégies d'influence et des meilleures pratiques pour les intégrer dans leurs activités. #Lubumbashi #DRC #AfricaCommsWeek #Influence

Creative Hub Africa X AfricaCommsWeek

AfricaCommsWeek returns to Freetown! WMB is excited to partner with One Villiage Partners and Creative Hub Africa. This year the theme is “Influence”. How can African communications professionals use their influence to advance the African narrative and contribute to socio-economic development across the continent?

Influence, influence, influence! Convos & Connexions

It's Convos & Connexions! Join senior pan-African communications executives in a conversation about influence: what is it, how do we craft it, what are the trends, fads, challenges, and their experiences? Convos and Connexions is part of Africa Communications Week and features a keynote, experience highlights, and a panel discussion. Log on for the wisdom, stay for the conversation, and leave with a connection. The hybrid event is a pan-African engagement organised by Mentis Communications. Zoom attendance is by registration,…

Storytelling for Africa’s Development

Influence lies at the heart of Africa's journey towards transformation, shaping perceptions, policies, and pathways for development. Now, more than ever, storytelling emerges as a critical tool in the arsenal of communicators, offering a potent means to wield influence effectively. This virtual panel and workshop will delve into the profound intersection of Influence and Storytelling for Africa's Development.

Africa Communications Week is a global platform that builds bridges between communications professionals focused on Africa’s transformation.

ACW’s mission is to empower and equip Africa focused communications professionals with the tools and resources to change the current narratives about Africa.


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