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The language of real estate & hospitality in Africa


Organised by ThePush Consulting, this event aims to throw awareness to the need to give Africa a face-lift through strategic branding and storytelling of the continent's real estate and hospitality sector.


AfricaCommsWeek: South Africa Edition

Constitutional Hill, Johannesburg

Organized by the Department of Government Communication and Information System, Republic of South Africa

Accompagner les professionnels africains : les solutions made in africa


Rejoignez nous pour cette webinaire organisée par avec: Benjamin Mampuya, co-fondateur de Eloine Barry, CEO de African Media Agency Fabrice Piofret, PDG du Groupe Veilleur des Médias Yannick Lefang, Founder & CEO Kasi Insight Moderateur : Maurice Mateke, Consultant Meridia Partners Inscrivez-vous maintenant  

Introduction to AMA Academy, the First free to use Learning Tool for Empowering Journalists on the Continent

This event is organized by the African Media Agency. It is a presentation of the African Media Agency (AMA) Academy; an online free learning, networking, job, and grant opportunity platform dedicated to African journalists and media personnel.​ AMA Academy partners with recognized experts in the industry and established organizations in the field of media innovation and training to design new modules and adapt existing ones to the local requirements. Register Now

Experts on Africa Masterclass: How to Talk to the Media

This Master Class organized by Experts on Africa aims to create a comprehensive and interactive media engagement session that is meaningful, and leads to purposeful, high-yielding media advocacy in the different media channels in the respective countries and areas of specialization. Register Now

Africa Communications Week is a global platform that builds bridges between communications professionals focused on Africa’s transformation.

ACW’s mission is to empower and equip Africa focused communications professionals with the tools and resources to change the current narratives about Africa.


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